日本 The University of Tokyo東京大學榮譽教授 Toru Torii 所率領的教授參訪團隊,於2024年3月5日拜訪生物機電工程系,進行跨國際的師生學術交流

( Title:A team of visiting professors led by the professor emeritus of The University of Tokyo, Japan, conducts cross-international academic exchanges between teachers and students. )

本系與日本 The University of Tokyo 東京大學榮譽教授 Toru Torii 所率領的教授參訪團隊,進行跨國際的師生學術交流,促進本系與世界各大學在科學理論研究與技術領域上的學術提升與合作關係

A team of visiting professors, led by the esteemed professor emeritus of The University of Tokyo, Japan, conducts cross-international academic exchanges between teachers and students. This initiative aims to promote academic cooperation in the technical field and share scientific research between our department and universities worldwide, but it also fosters mutual growth and understanding, benefiting all parties involved.

日本 The University of Tokyo 東京大學榮譽教授 Dr. Toru Torii、木更津工業高等專門學校准教授 Dr. Gengiro Takenaga 以及屏科大土木工程系名譽教授 Dr. 丁澈士 於2024年3月5日拜訪生物機電工程系,參觀本系生物系統熱流分析實驗室:

Dr. Toru Torii, professor emeritus of The University of Tokyo in Japan, Dr. Gengiro Takenaga, and Dr. Cheh-Shyh Ting visited the Bio-System Thermo-Fluidic Analysis Laboratory, Department of Biomechatronics Engineering, on March 5, 2024.

Toru Torii 教授為日本著名農業工程學者,他是東京大學新領域創成科學研究科人間環境學教授,專長為微流體技術、系統工程與影像處理於農業上應用。教授參訪團隊本次訪問臺灣的行程中,參觀本系生物系統熱流分析實驗室的微流體核酸檢測晶片系統,特別針對微流體晶片的設計、製作和應用進行雙方面的交流和討論。

Professor Toru Torii, a renowned expert in agricultural engineering, brings his extensive knowledge in microfluidic technology, systems engineering, and image processing applications in agriculture. His visit to the Department of Biomechatronics Engineering, NPUST, is a significant event focusing on the exchange of microfluidic nucleic acid detection chip systems, particularly their design, production, and application in agriculture. This visit presents a valuable opportunity for academic exchange, deepening our understanding of microfluidic technology in the agricultural field and paving the way for future cooperation.

期盼本系未來在生物產業領域中與日本 The University of Tokyo 合作,以光機電技術整合的自動檢測、光纖感測、生物資源循環和病原體偵測等應用上,能促成與發展更緊密之夥伴關係。

The Department of Biomechatronics Engineering and The University of Tokyo is poised to forge a strong partnership in the bio-industry, explicitly focusing on automatic detection, optical fiber sensing, biological resource circulation, and pathogen detection. Leveraging our expertise in opto-mechatronic technology, our shared goal is to promote and develop closer ties in these areas, leading to significant advancements in the field.